KVIUM | curated by EYEDS

CIRKUS EUROPA Book by Michael Kvium

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Michael Kvium CIRKUS EUROPA 

In Circus Europa the audience is taken on a sensational journey through a broad palette of new artworks. Here we experience Kvium’s well known imagery in a theatrical universe that both hearkens back to his early work in performance & film in the 1980s & consists of completely new media. The paintings, films, sculptures & installations set the scene for a tale about Europe. 

Through Circus Europa Kvium sheds light on our current situation & the ongoing changes in Europe. The exhibition focuses on issues of tourism, entertainment, news, refugee crises, war & climate. 

At the heart of Circus Europa are questions of European identity & community in a time when fear, xenophobia and hostility grow stronger & divide us. Nevertheless, our daily lives continue – the show must go on! With the circus as a metaphor of our time, Kvium depicts a world of entertainment where even the most serious news is marked by sensation & drama. Kvium portrays the political scene & our daily lives as one big circus act. 

Depth — Width — Height: 
D1cm, W22cm, H27cm
96 pages 
Language: English & Dansk 

Christian Gether M.fl
Published by Gyldendal 2017